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by Álvaro Martín


Gin L'Arbre


Álvaro Martín

Cocktel YO by Alvaro Martin


Cocktail YO is a very personal combination of our collaborator Álvaro Martín. This is what he tells us: “YO, that’s me.” A seeker of illusions that faces new challenges every day and, little by little, it’s getting balanced. like my cocktail YO, that has a Gin L’Arbre base, gin with all the purity of the Mediterranean, which has managed to be at the forefront of our times. #HistoryTraditionandSOUL


5cl Gin L’Arbre
5cl melon concentrate
5 drops of peppermint concentrate
Agave syrup
Lemon juice
Pineapple juice
Crushed ice


In a mixer with a lot of crushed ice, add gin l’Arbre, melon concentrate, pineapple juice, lemon juice, 5 drops of peppermint concentrate and top of agave syrup. Beat for 12 seconds and serve in a tall glass.

Garnish with strips of dehydrated orange, dehydrated “sanguina” orange and cassia cinnamon branch.

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