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Angela Albuixech

Barmaid / Empresaria

She is a Valencian barmaid based in La Rioja. She is an entrepreneur, curious, inquisitive and eager to learn.


I am adding years to this profession, but I still feel like a trainee in a profession that is as exciting as it is.

After my time at Fundición 8 (Logroño) and Vemutiki (Logroño). I am in a phase of learning other ways of working and experiences in my beautiful journey through this profession.

I do collaborations, tastings, masterclasses, events… but above all, I acquire new experiences and knowledge that I then like to capture in my drinks and transfer them to my clients.

Angela Albuixech

"My future is not very predictable, I will go where learning takes me. And I hope it will always be hand in hand with Teichenné".

What can you tell us about yourself?

I’m still hungry for cocktail competitions. It is a way to learn and exchange views with other professionals. Of course always accompanied by Teichenné products.

I got to know Teichenné thanks to the distributor in Logroño. They put me in touch with your national sales manager, Cristóbal Mateos. And that is where our adventure began.

If you ask me what Teichenné means to me, it is quality, variety, opportunity, and a great family.

I chose this company’s products from the beginning because of their wide range and the quality of their products.

I can’t be without my Kinros Citric, Level Gin Reserve, the whole range of Tabú rum, and Gin L’Sobre. My fetish liqueurs are; ginger, grapefruit, coconut, and melon.

The future of the industry for me is constantly evolving. We are more and more able to get the customer interested in cocktails. We are making you want to enjoy the experience, to know what you are taking and why the products that are used?

Little by little is a way to grow and progress.

My references within the industry are many. I could name anyone of my colleagues from “The Teichenné Family”. But here in the north I have another clear reference in terms of evolution: Patxi Troitiño.

My future is not very predictable, I will go where learning takes me. And I hope it will always be by the hand of Teichenné. It is an honor for me to be able to enjoy this experience with you.

Angela Albuixech's recipes

Tabú Rum

Tropical Banana

by Angela Albuixech