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Long Island Ice Tea

by Álvaro Martín


Level Gin Premium

Ron Tabú Viejo

Vodka Karlova


Álvaro Martín

Long Island Ice tea by Alvaro Martin


Classic cocktail by our collaborator Alvaro Martin, Long Island Ice tea. This famous cocktail from the 70’s was created by a bartender named Robert in New York City. It has been a bit forgotten over the years and nowadays it is at the top of the cocktail industry and like almost all the classics do, it came back.

Alvaro Martin prepares it with a base of our Level Gin Tridistilled, Tabú Rum and Mezcal. #TeichennéFamily


1cl Level Gin Premium
1cl Ron Tabú Viejo
1cl Mezcal Machetazo
1cl Licor Triple Sec
1cl Vodka Karlova
1 tablespoon of Flor sugar
Cola top


In a mixer, add all the ingredients with crushed ice. Shake until slushy and serve it in a glass with a bit of Cola Garnish with dehydrated lime.

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