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Secret de Beijing

by Vicenç Mora


Gin L'Arbre


Vicenç Mora

Secret de Beijing by Vicenc Mora


“Secret de Beijing (北京的秘密)” is a cocktail where two worlds merge, the Mediterranean and the Asian. To create this exotic cocktail, the Mediterranean air of Gin L’Arbre with its notes of lavender, merge for a trip in the Mediterranean Sea through the spice route, where we find cayenne, lychee and durian, and with a touch of liquor with Asian personality such as Moutai*. #TeichennéFamily

*Moutai is a type of baijiu or Chinese wine, produced in the village of the same name, in the city of Renhuai, Guizhou province, southwest China.


5cl Gin L’Arbre
2 Kaffir lime leaves
2cl durian syrup
2cl lychee juice
1cl Moutai Liqueur
top of Ginger Ale


Serve in a bowl and garnish with some cayenne pepper and caviar.a

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