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Vicenç Mora

Bartender / Businessman

Hard-working, creative, irreverent and strong-willed. At the same time, he has the good fortune to work in what he likes, where he can express the creativity and provocation that he carries within him. Whether it’s making bars for events, through the networks, on the youtube channel VMixoleg or as a F&B Manager in hotels.


Hard-working, creative and irreverent (in the good sense of the word). Friend of my friends and with personality. I am very lucky to be able to express a passion (mixologist) that I have inside me, and to be able to bring a smile to the faces of customers and friends.

Vicenç Mora

"I don't think anything we do is random. It's creative work, but it's better to always have a good base in classic cocktails and, as you grow, to improve your knowledge to be able to create".

Preferred Bar Tool

It is true that I love playing with fire and smoke! Thanks to one of the first competitions I took part in, I discovered the “Aladin”, a pipe for smoking cocktails! A few days later I had it in the shop! And I love it! Whether to add smoky notes to cocktails, whiskies, or rums or to give them a touch of props. And I love it!

The cocktail industry

The level we have in Catalonia is fantastic, now you can find schools that specialize in mixology that are worthwhile, others I can question the way they train. With the experiences, I have had, whether, in Europe, Asia, or South America, I have been able to see that we do many interesting things here and that we are an example for other bartenders to follow.

The references

Diego Cabrera, Sergio Padilla, Alberto Pizarro… they are great! Andreu Estrinaga and Paolo Lazarinni are two proven professionals who have taught me a lot about bartending and how to be a person. I think it’s important to turn your head and look back, to learn and seek humility. Now I think there are references that are volatile, fictitious, that have been created for the economic interests of certain brands, and young people who are starting out believe that this is what cocktails are all about… well, that’s why I say “look back”…


I think my strong point is my extensive knowledge of insects, botanicals, and exotic fruits and the elaboration of homemade with a touch of madness and provocation, which help me to elaborate different combinations with different tastes and creative flavours.

I’ve always had a problem with two cocktails: the Manhattan and the Cosmopolitan. I get them mixed up! I’m lucky to have a good team and when they ask me for Cosmopolitan they always say the key word “blueberries”, and that takes care of everything.

The stage at Glops Cocktail Bar...

It was a very important stage in my life, my first bar, where I could explode as a bartender, mixologist … where I had a great team by my side that I will always carry in my heart (Sara, Pol, Xavi, Marc, Carlos …) and the customers who were always there to enjoy my crazy ideas… But like everything in life… you have to grow and seek new goals. Currently and after some Asian experience, I am facing new challenges, the bars that are an extension of that bar, my first steps in the world of internet and the work as F&B Manager looking for responsibilities and other ways to incorporate my knowledge in the field of cocktails. Translated with (free version)

I was very amused by the cultural change of tastes and flavours with Beijing, where you have to adapt tastes and flavours, from the classic cocktail bar to a cigarette, for them everything was “very strong”, they are used to milder flavours.

Current consumers

The gin & tonic trend has opened many doors, for me it has been the introduction because most people have been tempted by cocktails and have dared to try other types of products. The increase in non-alcoholic and signature cocktails has been very significant, but the trends in rums and tequilas are also very significant. But the star combinations in summer are still the Gin & tonic, the Mojito and the Margarita.

Teichenné and #teichennéfamily

The welcome and support has been great! From the first day you have been very close and the human treatment and simplicity of the people who work with you, make it easier to approach this brand since one of Teichenné’s values is humility and care for the product. What bartender doesn’t like these qualities?

And the support, despite the fact that we don’t meet face to face with many of our colleagues in the Techenné family because of distance, it’s a big family, where you get a lot of support, not only professionally, but also on a personal level, which is, for me, the true value of bartending.

The broad range of products and their quality help us, the professionals behind the bar, to have more tools to be able to create and excite our customers. And together with the explosion of Gin L’Arbre and the new image of the Kinross, they have had a plus of excellence.

Gin L'Arbre

Gin L’Arbre!!!! Without words, a gin that… well, I recommend everyone to try! Because the balance of its botanicals will not leave you indifferent, there are many very good gins, but Gin L’Arbre is passion, it is country, it is land and it is love for the work of creating distillates.


Dogs are my passion, but now I have also discovered another way to express my creativity, painting. And surprisingly I had the opportunity to exhibit in Milan, and even to sell some of my creations! The world is crazy! Mixologist painter!

Cocktail Competitions / Contests

Cocktail contests are a good showcase, but above all, they are a very useful tool to learn new techniques and trends. But lately, the trend I am observing is a bit sad. The personal effort of many mixologists is not always valued, but rather the image interests of the brand, or what a place spends, forgetting the small “workers” who make great drinks but are not so well known, nor are they on lists of the best cocktail bars… I think that in the last few years there has been a shift of interest towards the big brands. So, an event that used to be healthy, many brands have turned it into a means to sell and sell… without looking at the effort made by many people who are dedicated to this world and have a lot more experience, who, as I sometimes say, believe they are “Cristianos Ronaldos”.

The advice

Values, humility, work, responsibility, and study. I believe that nothing we do is random. It’s a creative job but it’s better to always have a good base in classic bartending and, as you grow, to improve your knowledge in order to be able to create. To be able to make happy whoever comes through the door. Cheers!!!

Vicenç Mora's recipes

Gin L'Arbre


by Vicenç Mora

Gin L'Arbre


by Vicenç Mora

Gin L'Arbre

Secret de Beijing

by Vicenç Mora